astrology & tarot

Astrology is a powerful tool for gaining insight into your personality, relationships, life events and changes. An astrology reading requires a few hours to prepare and usually is scheduled in advance. Tarot allows us to work with less preparation and to dive as deep as your courage will allow.

Life is a process of continuous recreation and transformation. Kāren believes that your personal life purpose or vision is integral to the choices you make and therefore to the steps you take. Your chart reading can help you to gain greater clarity of your purpose while helping you acknowledge what you have achieved and are ready to let go of as well as what areas of your life are waiting for activation.

The more clarity you have about your question the easier it is to interpret your chart or cards My readings are a conversation between the two of us and our ancestral guides. My role is to call forth your courageous spirit and to open the portal to the many possibilities for transformation.

Kāren offers regular ‘astro musical interventions’ on her substack, facebook and instagram pages.

Energy Exchange

Astrology readings : $180 NZD. This reading is 90mins and requires a couple of hours preparation before we meet.
Tarot and Oracle readings : $90 NZD – 60 mins or $65 NZD – 30 mins. No preparation is required.
If you would like a reading but have financial restrictions please let me know.

Natal Chart readings.

A natal chart reading, (or birth time chart reading ) is a tool for deepening your understanding of your own nature, including your strengths and challenges.

When you are able to understand your life experiences through the lens of Astrology you gain access to valuable insights into the way you interact with the world around you.

Having a language to describe your way of being in the world enables you to change, transform and grow.

Transit & Solar Return readings.

The planets, points and other celestial energies create aspects to your natal chart as they move around the sun.

These movements are known as transits and their interpretation offers you powerful insight into the journey of your life as it unfolds

When the sun is at the same position as it was at the moment of your birth ( usually on your birthday or one day each side of it ) this is called your annual Solar Return. A Solar Return reading can give you valuable insights into how to best work with the energies that are available in the year following that birthday.

Tarot & Oracle Cards

Our inner world is reflected in the world around us, attracting people and situations that help us learn and grow. Tarot and Oracle card readings can assist in unpacking life’s confusing problems and provide a fresh perspective on raising your vibration.

I provide Tarot and Oracle Card readings online through Zoom, as well as in-person sessions in Auckland or occasionally on Waiheke Island.

Here is a link to some of my blog entries about Tarot.

Kāren can work with you in person if you are in Auckland or Waiheke Island , or online using Zoom if you are based elsewhere.

Contact Kāren Hunter here, through facebook messenger or email directly for more information.

 Thank you very much for the opportunity with my was a very good guide in our lives..and we also learned about ourselves..why do things happen..we got answers to many questions..we are grateful for you and astrology for helping us.thanks and love. .